



Strings to Our Homelands is an interactive concert featuring violist Ellie Fregni in a celebration of folk music drawn from many of the countries Minnesotans have called home. It explores music from Southeast Asia, Africa, South America, Europe and the United States, with tunes both well-known and obscure being sung and played on viola. Strings to Our Homelands is highly appropriate for school age children and their families. The performance encourages audience participation through singing, movement and sharing songs. It concludes with an opportunity for audience members to experience the thrill of playing a violin.

Strings To Our Homelands is an Exploration of what defines folk music, classical music and how stories evolve over time and place. Folk music is often associated with times and places long past, it is really a constantly evolving form of story telling through music. Folk music is the music passed on to us by our families and the stories associated with it. Folk music is incorporated in classical and popular music, popular and classical music influences folk music.  It used to be defined by oral tradition but as culture has evolved, print music, recordings, radio, television and the internet have changed what folk music is. No longer is folk music just songs that were sung to us as children (even though that is still a part of it!) Folk music is the music and stories that define us by nationality, history and language.

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